Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Don't know...

Well this is a post of nothing. I was going to write a blog about work but no one reads my blog so what is the point.
I guess I will just stop writting them for good!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A good nights sleep

Well I am just happy that my wife was able to get a good nights sleep last night. My daughter finally, after almost 2 weeks, slept through the night. I guess that her tooth came in or something.
I have found that getting a good nights sleep is very key to a good day the next day. I usually go to bed earlier then 10 pm cause I have to get up @ 5 am to be at work by 6 am. If I don't sleep for 7 - 8 hours in the night I just tend to drag through the day. It is not a good thing seeing as how I have to manage the other guys in the shop. Most of the time things go smooth cause I have slept good but there are the off times that just need a little kick in the butt to get it right.
I also have more energy to help deal with the kids when I get home. I know that helps my wife out a lot.
Then there are the power naps on the couch! Those are a good thing that really give me a pick up when I think that I need it the most. I usually just fall asleep and get woken up by my son a 10 or 15 minutes later.
Well that is my blog for today. If something strikes me later on I will let you all know.

Ta ta for now and until next time keep your head down and get some sleep!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Girl or Boy?

So I have a boy and a girl and I am kind of torn on which is the easiest to raise. I will say that my son is a little easier then my daughter as far as babies go. My daughter is a little harder for my to handle cause she just doesn't seem to want to sleep al the way through the night. My son slept great and was the reason that we had more kids, at least for me anyways. I am not sure what my wife would say about that, but something tells me it is the same feeling.
My mother would tell you that she would rather have the 4 boys that she did then raise 1 girl. I am not sure but I think that I have my work cut out for me with this little girl.
I am a softy but I still have my times that the whole master of the house comes into play. I found that voice that makes my kids crumble and wince and know that I mean what I say and play time is over.
I found that voice out a little later in life from my dad one late night. It struck fear into me and I have never forgotten it since.
Well I look forward to your little insights to which is easier Boy or Girl.?.


well I think that it is good to know that even old friends are still friends. I think that if you are a good person that your friends tend to stay in touch. Even if it is just a call out of the blue cause you saw thier name in your phone and thought I haven't talked to him/her in a while wounder what they are up to?
I think that it is great. I love that almost all my friends seem to drop me a line here and there. It's the little things like just thinking of you and wanted to see how you were doing kind of things that are the best.
If any of you have friends like that I would love to hear about them. I also like to get ideas of things to send to friends just because or for birthdays or house warming stuff. Anything idea is a good idea.